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Sentence against resident of Serdobsk who spreads pornographic videos comes into effect

10:36 | 27.01.2017 | Crime


Penza, 27 January 2017. PenzaNews. The Penza regional court left unchanged the decision of the Serdobsky city court, which sentenced a man, born 1984, to 2 years of imprisonment in the penal colony of general regime for illegal spread of pornographic materials by means of mass media.

Sentence against resident of Serdobsk who spreads pornographic videos comes into effect

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"It was established that in September, 2015, the man copied three pornographic videos and uploaded them to the page "Videos" on the website that he created himself. At the same time, he did not limit the access to other users of the social network and left the materials available for watching and copying," the press secretary of the Penza regional court Natalia Bychenkova told PenzaNews.

She explained that his illegal actions were suppressed by workers of "K" department of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

"At the trial the man pleaded guilty to the brought charge," the interlocutor said.

According to Natalia Bychenkova, the punishment was appointed taking into account the fact that the resident of Serdobsk was previously convicted for having committed a theft.

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