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Artists: Elimination of Penza Philharmonic contradicts to state cultural policy

10:49 | 11.02.2014 | Culture


Penza, 11 February 2014. PenzaNews. Decision of the government of the Penza region “On Elimination of Autonomous public institution of culture “Penza regional Philharmonic” is illegal and does not correspond to the social and cultural politics of the state. This was stated in the petition posted on Avaaz.org, titled “Save Penza regional Philharmonic society” and addressed to president Vladimir Putin, prime minister Dmitry Medvedev and governor Vasily Bochkarev.

Artists: Elimination of Penza Philharmonic contradicts to state cultural policy

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“Please stop liquidation procedure of Autonomous public institution of culture “Penza regional Philharmonic” and do not deprive its employees of jobs, protect the artists from the arbitrariness of the officials,” the document, under which 298 people put their signatures, reads.

According to the authors of the petition, elimination of Penza Philharmonic, which for over half a century engaged in educational and cultural work, will inevitably lead to massive layoff of artists and technical staff, which in total is over 250 people.

“This in turn will cause a significant cultural gap in the life of the Penza region, increase unemployment and social tensions. And this seems particularly blasphemous in the year of culture. They did not close philharmonic even in the besieged Leningrad,” the document goes.

According to the information available, philharmonic staff received official notification about contract annulment from April 17, 2014.

Despite this, the musicians who oppose to the transfer of the sphere of culture to commercial basis, believe that the process of eliminating of one of the leading cultural institutions in the region can still be stopped and actively urge the people interested in Philharmonic activity to support them.

“Friends! Our enemies are trying to convince the public that our efforts are in vain, that we will not achieve anything, that artists should participate in the contest “Penzakontsert,” which was created to enslave creativity. This mocking attack is made specifically for our demoralization. Philharmonic defenders have already achieved moral victory. They will not be able to close this cultural institution quietly. So let us convince the federal government to stop this barbarity,” the statement posted by the administration of “No to liquidation of Penza Philharmonic!” group on “VKontakte.”

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