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Acceptance of the applications for the grant of 500 thousand rubles starts in Penza on July, 12th

11:10 | 11.07.2011 | Economy


Penza, 11 July 2011. PenzaNews. Acceptance of the applications for the grant of 500 thousand roubles starts in the department of development of business of the Penza region on July, 12th.

Small and middle business enterprises which act on the territory of the Penza region during 1–3 years can take part in competition.

The vice-president of the regional government Andrey Baev said: "Acceptance of the applications will last till August, 11th, 2011. We are going to give not less than 36 million roubles from the regional budget". He also noticed that to take part in the competition it is necessary to make an application to the department of development of business of the Penza region.

He underlined also that this kind of support is first of all to help Penza enterprises in updating of techno park and equipment modernization.

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