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“TNS Energo Penza” fined 650,000 rubles

17:00 | 02.11.2015 | Economy


Penza, 2 November 2015. PenzaNews. “TNS Energo Penza” was fined 650,000 rubles for violating Part 1, Art. 14.31 of the Administrative Code, titled “Abuse of Dominance in a Commodity Market.”

“TNS Energo Penza” fined 650,000 rubles

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“In August 2015, the Penza region FAS department found ‘TNS Energo Penza’ to be in violation of Part 1, Art. 10 of the Federal Competition Protection Law. Being the sole guarantee provider of electricity in the Penza region, ‘TNS Energo Penza’ sent letters to communal management companies of various kinds on unilaterally terminating the agreements on providing power to owners of apartment buildings supplied by the aforementioned companies,” Marina Goryacheva, press secretary of FAS in the Penza region, informed PenzaNews agency.

The current legislation forbids unilateral termination of such agreements by the guarantee supplier, she pointed out.

“The FAS department committee found the aforementioned activities of ‘TNS Energo Penza’ do or can harm the interests of other persons, and concluded that it constitutes an act of abuse of dominance in electricity retail supply market in the Penza region,” Marina Goryacheva added.

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