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Head of Penza government to personally supervise “Cherkizovo” project

10:46 | 21.07.2017 | Economy


Penza, 21 July 2017. PenzaNews. The chairman of the Penza region government Nikolai Simonov will personally supervise the Cherkizovo Group of Companies investment project on pig breeding complex construction. This was reported by the governor Ivan Belozertsev during the meeting with the board chairman of PJSC Cherkizovo Group Igor Babaev, held on Thursday, July 20.

Head of Penza government to personally supervise “Cherkizovo” project

Photo: Pnzreg.ru

In the course of the event, the parties discussed the protocol of intent that is planned to be signed, which will reflect the responsibilities of each of the project participants.

“We practice signing agreements with every major investor, that gives the company certain assurances and allows us to develop business on Penza land,” Ivan Belozertsev noted.

In turn, Igor Babaev stressed out that serious to carry out the set preparations were made tasks.

“The investment in pig breeding complexes equals to 3.5 billion rubles. We have a proven, powerful technology based on modern American complexes, and we are ready to work,” he added.

The board chairman of Cherkizovo Group also confirmed the company’s intention to reconstruct two subsidiaries – “Vasilyevskaya” poultry farm and the Penza meat-processing factory by replacing their obsolete equipment, the press service of the regional government reports.

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