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Department of the FAC will check up legality of actions of "Gazprom mezhregiongaz Penza" LLC

16:14 | 01.09.2011 | Incidents


Penza, 1 September 2011. PenzaNews. Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAC) in the Penza region initiated the case concerning "Gazprom mezhregiongaz Penza" LLC on grounds of infringements of part 1 item 10 "About competition protection".

Olga Atjukova, the chief of the department, said: "The antimonopoly office got the application of townsman of Zarechny, and the materials of inspection of Office of Public Prosecutor concerning infringement of the interests of the consumers using gas for household needs, because the size of payment for gas was changed unilaterally".

According to her the legal investigation in the relation concerning gas supplying organization will take place on September, 29th.

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