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Ivan Belozertsev suggests sending patients without pathologies to Penza perinatal centre

09:49 | 05.02.2018 | Medicine


Penza, 5 February 2018. PenzaNews. Governor Ivan Belozertsev suggested that in case there are available places, pregnant women without registered pathologies should be sent to the Penza perinatal centre.

Ivan Belozertsev suggests sending patients without pathologies to Penza perinatal centre

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"The perinatal centre should not stand empty. It must work at a full load," the head of the region noted at an action meeting in the government on Monday, February 5, turning to the head of the regional Ministry of Health Vladimir Stryuchkov.

Ivan Belozertsev also added that during his latest visit to the institution on February 1 he did not have enough time to see the reproductive health centre, where in-vitro fertilisation procedures will be held, that is why he intends to do so this month or in March.

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