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South Ossetia can be developed as an independent state

10:59 | 27.10.2011 | Analytic


27 October 2011. PenzaNews. South Ossetia can be developed as an independent state. Such opinion was stated by experts of the international organization on monitoring of elections CIS-EMO during the press conference which took place on the eve of Republic presidential elections in Tshinval on Wednesday, October, 26th.

South Ossetia can be developed as an independent state

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According to the press conference, the preliminary work on studying of political situation is held there and after that the recommendations concerning a transparency of voting process will be made. On Election Day which is planned to be on November, 13th, the experts and the politicians representing France, Serbia, Israel, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and other countries will observe the voting.

The general director of the international organization on supervision over elections CIS-EMO Alexey Kochetkov said: “Presence of the international observers is necessary for any elections. It promotes solving several important problems. Presence of observers guarantee that all rules will be followed and the process of voting will be transparent not only for the citizens of the state, but also for the whole world”.

According to him, there is an information blockade in South Ossetia. He said if the independent experts take part in the process, it will allow to liquidate this barrier and to show that democratic institutes are developed successfully in the country.

The expert said: “South Ossetia chose a democratic way of development, there is a struggle between candidates here, all standard and norms are observed. It shows that there is the state and it has prospects of development as an independent state despite opponents of South Ossetia in the different countries”.

According to the Israeli publicist and public figure Avigdor Eskin, the development of democratic processes occurs more intensively and productively on territory of the small states.

The expert said: “South Ossetia is a small territorial entity, it isn’t new entity. The Ossetians are one of the most ancient people in this region. They are the lineal heir of great Alans, who had a political system similar to Greek democracy many centuries ago. Scientists proved that there was a form of government which together with Greece developed the democracy form on small territory on present day territory of Ossetia”.

The general director of the Ukrainian division of the international organization on supervision of elections Igor Kaminnik agreed with opinion that the international observers will play an important role in South Ossetia. In particular, it promotes discussion of recognition of the republic among representatives of the various states. The expert focused his attention on the development of the relations between South Ossetia and Ukraine.

The expert said: “Participation of lawyers, experts from the different states and deputies of the Supreme Rada is very important. In particular, it’s important for South Ossetia recognition. This process is rather long and the deputies who will arrive on elections and those who present interests of South Ossetia in Ukraine will work at this problem. I am sure that our mission can strengthen Ukrainian-South Ossetia relation and show that democratic processes in your country can be used in other states”.

According to the participants of the press conference, a considerable quantity of candidates for the post of the president of South Ossetia creates certain complexities for election committees.

Alexey Kochetkov said: “There are difficulties for organizers of elections. The quantity of polling districts does not increase and does not decrease. It’s important that international norms and the current legislation in the country is observed. If we consider a number of candidates per capite South Ossetia set new records. But if people decided so and it does not contradict the law 17 candidates and more are allowed to be. If there is a candidate who has authority, it has voters ready to support him on elections he will win in the first round or the the second round will be decisive.

As news agency PenzaNews informed earlier, the presidential election in South Ossetia is planned to be held on November, 13th. There are 17 candidates for the higher state post of the republic.

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