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USA under the guise of “struggle against drugs” intend to stay in Central Asia — the expert

15:54 | 11.01.2012 | Analytic


11 January 2012. PenzaNews. The USA under the guise of “struggle against drugs” try to generate loyal groups in power bodies and special purpose divisions in the states of Central Asia and one of mechanisms of this process are served by CARICC - Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre. Such opinion was stated by the expert of the Institute of foreign policy researches and initiatives Georgy Borodin.

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As he said, the USA has already realized similar project in Central America in 1970s-1990s when preparation of anti narcotic policemen turned to “death squadrons” and decades of civil wars, and manufacture of drugs increased.

The expert said: “Today the process of “afganization” of Central Asia grows, and non-return point is closer”.

Georgy Borodin considers that in foreign policy practice of administration of Obama the certain tactical approach was fixed. They used to do everything with hands of other states and to spend own initiatives multilateral through mechanisms of the international organizations.

“So, war against Libya has been initiated by France, and the USA provided only “support” functions. The project “New silk way” was initiated by Turkey, and the USA was “neutral” in it. The league of the Arabian states one after another lets out appeals to overthrow legitimate, but the objectionable USA leaders of the states. France, Great Britain, Germany and Portugal offered Security Council resolution of the United Nations against Syria in October, 2011 and the USA just “supported” it together with Colombia, Nigeria, Gabon and Bosnia. It’s really cleverer and refined tactics, in comparison with cowboy's swoop of the previous American administration. Both expenses and negative resonance get to another. The United Nations is the main international mechanism. The USA tries to transform it into multilateral expansion of the State department for giving of the international legitimacy to the individual initiatives. Washington also tries to use separate structures of the United Nations. IAEA serves recently for pressure upon Iran, The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is the tool of penetration into Central Asia”, said the representative of the Institute of foreign policy researches and initiatives.

According to Georgy Borodin, one more favorite American maneuver is creation of the “regional” organizations thousand kilometers far from the borders, where the USA acts as members or observers, thus as “cooperation in spheres of the general interests” and as the most plausible and convincing cover joint struggle against drugs.

“One of the cloned projects under the shelter of the United Nations was realized in 2005. It was CARICC. Located in Alma-Ata, it was created as Europol by Almaty office of the Regional representation United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in the Central Asia (UNODC ROCA). It was opened on December, 9th, 2009. Now there are 7 states, such as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Russia. Declared purpose of CARICC are to promote cooperation of power bodies of member states in struggle against drugs and criminality connected with them and to serve as the main center in the region for an exchange and analysis of the information and for coordination. The center was financed by NATO member states: the USA (3.2 million dollars), Great Britain, Italy, Canada, Turkey, France, Czechia, and also Finland and Luxembourg — 15 400 thousand dollars. The same states plus Afghanistan and Pakistan have the status of observers at CARICC while China and Iran are not registered in the list. The States-observers use access to all volume of the information collected and analyzed by the Center”, the expert says.

According to Georgy Borodin, being an “observer” the USA take an active part in work of the Center, and its development is watched personally by state secretary Hillary Clinton.

“It also participates in technical maintenance of CARICC on military cooperation of Office of Military Cooperation (OMC) as it was informed in the telegram of embassy of the USA in Astana opened “WikiLeaks”. Thus the USA insists that multilateral efforts on struggle against drugs passed through CARICC and Council Russia-NATO, instead of CSTO. Washington also expected to connect activity CARICC with the Organization on safety and cooperation in Europe (OSCE) which is preparing the police and other experts to protect law and order, but because of objections of the Russian officials of the USA it was necessary to refuse these plans”, he underlines.

At the same time, being very important for USA, CARICC is only one of the stages of penetration into power structures of the states of Central Asia, the expert believes.

“In June, 2011 the assistant of the state secretary and the chief Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) William Brownfield announced certain Central Asian Counternarcotics Initiative, CACI. In this project, legal and practical aspects of which are developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime again, the question of creation anti narcotic “special forces” in five Central Asian states are touched upon. It would be connected with the similar structures in Afghanistan and Russia, and would be coordinated by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and CARICC. Braunfild gives specially picked up and checked up divisions created in Antinarcotic police of Afghanistan by Agency on struggle against drugs of the USA (DEA) as an example. Washington will provide financing of combat training, acquisition of the equipment and equipment for these task forces. 4.2 million dollars of the State Departmenthas already allocated for the initiative. Brownfield also noticed that realization of the initiative does not demand massive military presence of the USA, the Russian Federation. In the summer and autumn of this year its subordinates traveled in the Central Asian capitals, convincing their management of necessity of such model of forces of special purpose for region”, — Georgy Borodin says.

The expert also expressed doubt that the assistant of the state secretary William Braunfild and David Kostelancik, the director of the Europe and Eurasia in department of the international struggle against drugs and law and order protection, having a powerful track record, “set as the purpose of cooperation rescue of Russian people from heroin”.

“Speaking about Drug Enforcement Administration of the USA (DEA), parts of the Ministry of Justice its mission is prevention of drugs turnover on the territory of the USA. The international activity of DEA is connected with the fact that in 2006 it was included in the prospecting community of the USA consisting of 16 structures. Probably, there will be decent officers in DEA who think that struggle against narcotic harm is their main purpose. But they do not much influence the Agency course. Preparation reconnaissance specialists nevertheless prevails ”,— Georgy Borodin considers, noticing thus that not only power diplomats and DEA, but also the Central command of Armed forces of the USA also “struggles against drugs” and already in Central Asia.

According to the expert, Tajikistan became the center of military activity of the USA in Central Asia, besides Kirghizia. But Kazakhstan plays a special role, as it’s the state largest and the safest state and it’s close to Russia. But any Euro-Asian integration is void without it.

“Pitting Kazakhstan against Russia and China the USA can make Kazakhstan the arena of hard-fought battle of three powers, and the position of fighting range is absolutely unenviable”, Georgy Borodin underlines.

“Actions of the USA in Central Asia in many respects repeat their policy in Central and the South America. It concerns also integration processes and “struggle against drugs” and counter-insurgency wars. So, in 1993 the USA created Central American Integration System (SICA), the system of economic and political integration. In 2000 Washington started “Plan Colombia” which quickly turned into counter-insurgency action and in a year it was complicated by strengthening of the ability of the Colombian army on protection of oil pipelines. Colombia, as it is known, became military base of the USA in Central America. The historian-expert recognized the world on CIA role in drug-dealing Peter Dale Scott as a result of decades of studying of anti narcotic efforts of the USA has come to the conclusion that growth of volumes of the turnover of narcotics occurs thanking, instead of contrary to efforts of Americans. Alfred McCoy, one more world famous expert in CIA role in drug-dealing, ascertains that where the USA conducted “war against drugs” narcotics manufacture usually increases. Terrorism increased proportionally to narcotics manufacturing. The number of victims and injured also increased in the states where the USA started “struggle against drugs”, the expert admits.

As he said, in struggle against drugs interests of Russia and the USA are not “general”. The American power device uses drugs as the political weapon.

“The USA at first create crisis, then use it for penetration into power structures of the states-targets to place them in the service of the interests. The formula is simple: to enter an alliance with narco trading groups to declare war to drugs to establish military-political presence at region where drugs go. CARICC for the USA is a prospecting and coordination resource in region and a platform for a professional training of power departments. The price in 3.2 million dollars is a scanty payment for knowing everything that Russia and other states knows. In a case with CARICC the USA suggests the states to play another’s game with packed cards. In this game it is impossible to win”, Georgy Borodin summarizes.

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