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Representatives of “Yabloko” intend to apply the complaint to the Office of Public Prosecutor and Investigatory Committee in Penza

10:52 | 07.12.2011 | Politics


Penza, 7 December 2011. PenzaNews. Representatives of Penza regional branch of political party “Yabloko” intend to apply the complaint to the Office of Public Prosecutor and Investigatory Committee of the Russian Federation in the Penza region concerning infringement of election legislation in the polling stations of Penza during elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation which took place on Sunday, December, 4th.

Representatives of “Yabloko” intend to apply the complaint to the Office of Public Prosecutor and Investigatory Committee in Penza

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The chairman of the Penza regional branch of political party “Yabloko” Nikolay Zuev said: ”Election committees stole our votes on those sites where candidates voted and where candidates from our party were observers”.

He said: “Personally I voted at the polling station №51. There weren’t our observers, but there was an observer from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. There are 48 of votes for “Yabloko” in his report. Thus in system GAS “Elections” we saw “0” votes for our party”.

According to him, there is the same situation at the other polling stations.

Nikolay Zuev said: “Unfortunately, we haven't still checked up, but on figures and percent it is possible to tell precisely where extra bullets were put and we know how to prove it”.

The chairman of the regional branch of party said: “Votes of “Patriots of Russia”, “Right Cause” were stolen. Votes of “LDPR” were stolen at one polling station and practically everywhere votes of “A Just Russia” were stolen. We will write to the Office of Public Prosecutor and to the investigatory committee. I consider that it is possible to recognize elections illegitimate in Leninsky area in general because actually 50 % of sites worked with infringements”.

Now the representatives of “Yabloko” sent an application with a demand to recognize the results of elections on one of the polling stations illegitimate. Next few day they intend to prepare some more similar documents.

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