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The Minister of Education of Penza region Svetlana Kopeshkina dismissed

12:17 | 03.09.2012 | Politics


Penza, 3 September 2012. PenzaNews. The Minister of Education of the Penza region Svetlana Kopeshkina was dismissed from the office. This was put on Live Journal by the head of the governor’s staff and the government of the region Viktor Rubtsov following operational meeting on the issue of providing schools with the required textbooks on Monday, September 3.

The Minister of Education of Penza region Svetlana Kopeshkina dismissed

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“Today the governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev held an operational meeting on the issue of providing schools with the necessary textbooks. I will not go into details, I think many people know that the work has not been done to a good quality, if not to say it was done poorly! As a result, serious decision was made: the Minister of Education of the Penza region Svetlana Kopeshkina was fired,” Viktor Rubtsov wrote.

He also informed that the head of Penza Ivan Belozertsev and the head of Penza administration Roman Chernov were requested to take similar measures against responsible managers.

“The Deputy Chairperson of the Regional Government Elena Stolyarova was charged to publish in the media detailed tables on the amount of books purchased, their price and distribution among schools. This have to be done within three days. So I cannot exclude other personnel decisions,” the head of the governor’s staff and the government of the region concluded.

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