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Penza ex-mayor Roman Chernov heads “TNS Energo Penza”

18:33 | 26.01.2015 | Politics


Penza, 26 January 2015. PenzaNews. Roman Chernov, former head of the Penza city administration (2005-2014) who stayed in the office as first deputy chairman of the regional government for less than a month, has been appointed the deputy general director of PJSC “TNS Energo” Group and the managing director of “TNS Energo Penza.”

2015-01-26 18:33:46

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Previously, this post was held by Veniamin Afrikanov, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Penza region from the United Russia party.

Roman Chernov entered the office on Monday, January 26.

“Energy is one of the foundations of infrastructure. Reliability and efficiency of the electricity supply is the basis of sustainable economic development, and energy security of the state as a whole and in the Penza region in particular. For me, this appointment first of all is great responsibility. I am confident my past management experience will help me deal with the new challenges,” Roman Chernov commented.

LLC “TNS Energo Penza” is a supplier of electricity in the Penza region.

The company serves 620,528 individuals and 14,735 legal entities, and takes 80% of the regional market.

LLC “TNS Energo Penza” is a part of the group of companies “TNS Energo,” one of the largest independent power holdings in Russia.

Roman Chernov was born on September 29, 1971 in Penza in the family of state officials.

He graduated from the Higher Military Political School of the Order of the October Revolution border troops in Moscow in 1992; and the Russian Financial and Economic Part-Time Institute, with a degree in Finance and Credit in 1995.

From 1992 to 1995, after graduating from the military school, he had been serving as the head of the frontier detachment of Daursky border division of Transbaikalian border district of Chita.
He was a member of the Penza region FSB department from 1995 to 1998, and the assistant to the Penza region governor from 1998 to 2002.

He was promoted to the deputy governor of the Penza region in May 2002, the first deputy governor in October 2003, the first deputy head of Penza adminidtration in November 2005, and the head of Penza administration in December 2005.

On April 3, 2009, he was appointed the head of the city administration for a five-year term.

In June 2014, the governor Vasily Bochkarev offered him the position of the first deputy chairman of the regional government, where he planned to work with transportation issues.

On June 17, Roman Chernov submitted a letter of resignation to the head of the city Yuri Alpatov. The City Duma accepted his resignation on June 19.

On July 14, during the operational meeting in the regional government Roman Chernov was battered by harsh criticism from the governor. Vasily Bochkarev accused him of getting away from his responsibility for the city improvement.

Roman Chernov, trying to argue with the head of the region, said that Vasily Bochkarev “terrorized everyone,” after which the governor rudely asked the first deputy chairman of the regional government to leave the hall.

This conflict gained great publicity: it drew attention of bloggers and media, including federal, as well as politicians.

July 18 was the last working day of Roman Chernov in the office of first deputy chairman of the Penza region.

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