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Penza city Duma deputies support Yuri Krivov’s early resignation notice

10:07 | 18.11.2015 | Politics


Penza, 18 November 2015. PenzaNews. The deputies in the Penza city Duma of the sixth convocation have supported the early resignation notice by the mayor Yuri Krivov during the 14th extraordinary session held on Wednesday, November 18.

Penza city Duma deputies support Yuri Krivov’s early resignation notice

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The vote was preceded by a short speech by Larisa Ryabikhina, actind head of the governor and Penza region government staff department, who announced that the governor Ivan Belozertsev offered Yuri Krivov a place in the government on Monday, November 16.

“Simply the fact that the governor invited him to join his team says a lot,” she pointed out.

Yuri Krivov will be taking upon his new office as soon as the new ministerial cabinet is formed, Larisa Ryabikhina explained.

After the city head Victor Kuvaytsev asked for any other possible speeches following Larisa Ryabikhina’s explanation, the vote ensued.

The early resignation of Yuri Krivov was supported unanimously, with all 32 deputies present at the session voting in favor of the decision.

Following that, Victor Kuvaytsev expressed his gratitude to Yuri Krivov for working together.

He said that Yuri Krivov as a mayor was able to convey a new impulse for development of territorial self-government and maintenance of good and friendly relations between citizens.

“I am sure his openness, good attitude towards people will allow us to cooperate further on,” said the city head.

After the brief speech, Victor Kuvaytsev and Yuri Krivov exchanged hugs of friendship.

In turn, Yuri Krivov pointed out he will continue work in the Penza region government if the head of the region Ivan Belozertsev finds him a suitable candidate for that.

“We will work wherever the Motherland points us,” he stressed, and thanked all who worked him in the “tough” times.

Describing his work done on the office he is leaving, the now former Penza city mayor expressed the opinion that the city has advanced, and recalled the vital changes to the city’s general plan and completion of important objects constructed by Penza’s 350th anniversary.

“I would like to ask one thing of you – to keep the ideas we’ve been planning, to not throw them away,” Yuri Krivov said, urging the present deputies to continue supporting local initiatives and public self-government.

“Thank you very much, friends! Please forgive me if anything was rough with me,” he added.

His words were met with a round of applause.

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