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In Penza the monument of Karl Marx was dismantled

12:10 | 13.07.2011 | Society


Penza, 13 July 2011. PenzaNews. The monument of Karl Marx which had been situated on the Sovetskaya square of Penza, was dismantled for restoration on Wednesday, on July, 13th. The chairman of building department of the Penza bishopric Ioan Yavorsky said:"As the monument is on balance of Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Zelenoye Hozaystvo" it will be restored in the special room for restoration of the municipal enterprise".

In Penza the monument of Karl Marx was dismantled

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As he said, during dismantle of bust of Karl Marx it was found out that it had not been fixed properly.

The interlocutor of agency said: "It's a miracle that it had not dropped during the hurricane. There could be a tragedy".

Ioan Yavorsky specified that the decision to dismantle the monument was accepted because it is on a place where the altar part of the Spassky Сathedral should settle down. The representative of the Penza bishopric added that the tile laid round the monument was numbered for carrying to the new place.

He said: "It isn't decided yet where to mount the monument of Karl Marx after restoration. The administration of the city will decide it".

As the news agency "PenzaNews" informed earlier, in September, 2010, town-planning council session in the administration of town-planning and city architecture of Penza offered to transfer the monument of Charles Marx from the Sovetskaya square to the square located at the crossroads of Karl Marx street and Krasnaya street.

According to "Penza encyclopedia", the monument of Karl Marx, the first one in Europe, was opened on May, 1st, 1918 on the Sovetskaya square in Penza near the governor's house. Sculptor E.V. Ravdel made a half-length portrait of the German philosopher, sociologist, economist and public figure from clay which is very short-lived material and a week later the monument was removed.

On November, 7th 1918 the new monument was put in Nikolskaya Street (nowadays Karl Marx Street). On June, 17th, 1920 the monument was opened in Narovchat.

The new monument of Karl Marx created by sculptor S.S. Alyoshin and the architect, the winner of the State award G.A. Zaharov was opened on Sovetskaya square on November, 5th, 1960. The bronze two-meter bust was established on the six-meter granite pedestal on that place where there was an altar of the Spassky cathedral which was blown up in 1934.

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