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Winner of TV show "Minuta Slavy" from the Penza region intends to become a shoemaker

13:24 | 29.08.2011 | Society


Penza, 29 August 2011. PenzaNews. One of the winners of the fifth season of the teleproject "Minuta Slavy" Victor Kochkin who was brought up in Nizhnelomovsky foster home for invalids in the Penza region intends to leave for Saratov.

According to the edition "Strana Sovetov", 20-year-old resident of Penza will study in Saratov special college to get a profession of shoemaker.

As news agency "PenzaNews" informed earlier, the pupils of Nizhnelomovsky foster home for children with physical defects Victor Kochkin and Danil Anastasin won in TV project "Minuta Slavy" of the First channel where they danced break dance. They got a prize of one kg of gold and 1 million rubles.

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