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Trial installation of an inflatable aqua park took place in Zarechny

15:27 | 31.08.2011 | Society


Penza, 31 August 2011. PenzaNews. Trial installation of the inflatable aqua park took place in the central recreation park of Zarechny of the Penza region on Wednesday, August, 31st. Similar aqua park exists only in Vladivostok. It was purchased at the expense of budgetary funds within the limits of the municipal program.

According to the director of the park Vyacheslav Kozhaev, it will be possible to test new attraction only next year when the weather will be warm. He said that the aqua park is equipped with the system of water heating and water filtration and it's possible to bathe in it even in spring.

According to Tatyana Saltsova, the chief of the department of work with mass-media of Communication Department of Zarechny, the diameter of the pool is 30 meters. There can swim more than 50 persons. The depth of the pool is 1 meter.

She said: "It is planned to mount plank beds where the residents of the town can rest and sunbathe. This aqua park is not only for children, adults can also use it. Its sledges bear more than 150 kg".

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