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Russian-Kazakhstan forum of youth mass-media started in Penza

12:51 | 01.11.2011 | Society


Penza, 1 November 2011. PenzaNews. Russian-Kazakhstan forum of youth mass-media was opened in Penza on Tuesday, November, 1st. There are participants from Samara, 40 representatives of newspapers, TV channels and Internet services from Penza, Tolyatti and Kazakhstan.

The chief of department of information policy and mass-media of the Penza region Nelli Davidova said that this meeting united all of them. She hopes that the forum will be held annually and the cooperation of youth of two states will be developed.

The deputy minister of education of the region Nadezhda Semenova offered young journalists to create a joint information resource, for example, a special release of the newspaper “Business”.

Nadezhda Semenova said: “It will be the first joint product which will help to create a general Internet portal or club of young journalists of the CIS countries then”.

According to the Press Secretary of the Union of youth of the Penza region Sergey Ivanchin, on November, 1st the participants of the forum will have a sightseeing tour, then they will visit a broadcasting company “Express”and regional innovative media center “Professional reference point”.

She said: “In the evening young journalists will go to the rest camp site “Chistiye Prudy” where the sessions of round tables and work of debatable platforms will take place on November, 2nd”.

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