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A trip by taxi on New Year Eve will cost 300 rubles in Penza

13:57 | 30.12.2011 | Society


Penza, 30 December 2011. PenzaNews. The trip by a taxi on New Year Eve will cost 300 rubles because of rise in prices which is planned on Saturday, December, 31st. The head of Penza “GPS-taxi Ivan Legostayev said: “Double tariffs for journey will be till 8 a.m. on Monday, January, 2nd. Such tendency is observed annually in all taxi companies of the city”.

A trip by taxi on New Year Eve will cost 300 rubles in Penza

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He informed that till January, 13th prices will 30–50 rubles higher in comparison with standard prices for taxi.

According to the head of taxi “GOST” Michail Vechkanov, the double tariff assumes earnings increase in holidays not only for drivers, but also for operators.

Michael Vechkanov said: “It’s known that in connection new rules for taxi drivers there are a number of problems. Not every driver had time to obtain necessary licenses and it’s unprofitable for those who work 2-3 hours”.

In turn, Ivan Legostayev, making comments on the coming into force taxi law underlined that very few permissions to realization of this activity were given in Penza.

He said: “Probably, since January, 1st many drivers will simply remove taxi signs and townsmen won’t suffer from the absence of vehicles”.

According to Michael Vechkanov, the problems will begin with taxi when the employees of traffic police and other structures will be engaged in control of execution of the given law seriouslysince the beginning of the next year.

According to the press-service of the department of the industry, transport and power of the Penza region, by December, 23rd, 2011 the department have given out only 135 permissions to activity realization on transportation of passengers and luggage by an automobile taxi, thus, according to informal data, there are about 5 thousand taxi drivers in the Penza region.

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