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Russian Statistics Service: Over 36 thousand residents of Penza region are unemployed

15:47 | 21.12.2012 | Society


Penza, 21 December 2012. PenzaNews. 36,1 thousand residents of the Penza region aged 15–72 are unemployed. Such conclusion was made by the experts of the Federal State Statistics Service based on the study of employment, which reflects average results of the situation in the region for three months — from September to November 2012.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service data, 685,9 thousand people out of 722 thousand of the economically active population of the Penza region are employed, and the unemployment rate makes 5%.

In Russia as a whole the unemployment rate is slightly higher — 5,3%. The results of the study indicate that 75,746,2 thousand people are economically active citizens of the country, while 4,000,31,1 people are unemployed.

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