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Penza region to receive 10 million rubles for NGO support

11:14 | 11.03.2014 | Society


Penza, 11 March 2014. PenzaNews. The Penza region will receive subsidy of 10 million rubles for programs of support to socially oriented non-profit organizations.

The Penza region is among 45 regions of the Russian Federation recognized the winners of competitive selection held by Russian Ministry of Economic Development.

As the press service of the government of the Penza region told news agency “PenzaNews,” the region will provide co-financing of targeted actions in the amount of around 3,8 million.

“The funds will be spent according to the action plan of the state program “Regional policy, the development of civil society in the Penza region in 2014-2020,” the press service commented.

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