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Charity campaign to help people who lost homes in Kuznetsk fire begins accepting help

10:00 | 17.09.2015 | Society


Penza, 17 September 2015. PenzaNews. A charity campaign dedicated to helping the 30 families who had lost their homes after a September 1, 2015 apartment building fire on Sverdlova street, 109 in Kuznetsk, went operational in the Penza region. Its founded and manager is PenzaNews reporter Anna Volkova, whose parents own a flat in the apartment building in question.

Photo: Pnzreg.ru

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“Based on preliminary data, the fire was sparked on the fourth floor due to negligence of a man living in the flat No. 23. The fire destroyed the roof and the fourth floor, and damaged the third too. The flats on first and second floors were flooded when the fire was extinguished. As a result, people can no longer live there. At the moment, there is no power, gas, heat and water supply active. The people who lost their homes were provided rooms in the Kuznetsk hotel for the first two weeks. Now they have to search for places to live on their own. Some reside with their relatives, but there are people who chose to stay in their flats: the Protasov family – Nadezhda and her daughter Maria, who chose to remain in their home and protect their property,” Anna Volkova commented.

Many of the fire victims lost their documents, all warm clothing and money, she added.

“Our task is to help the people in their difficult situation, those who lost years of memories and savings overnight. They must not be left alone to struggle with their plight,” the campaign coordinator stressed, adding that neither her family nor she ask for any help.

The campaign aims to gather items and clothing for the people, among whom are 15 children aged 3 months to 12 years; provide them legal and psychological assistance; and help them in any other way.

“We plan to send the first batch of clothing to Kuznetsk on the next week: clothing, bed sheets, clothing for the newborn. The list of necessities for the victims of the fire includes a winter pram, good winter clothing, baby care products, dishes and cups, medicine, and nonperishable foods such as canned meat, macaroni and so on,” she explained.

The PenzaNews agency will be reporting on the activities of the charity campaign in the upcoming future.

Those who want to help the victims of the fire in Kuznetsk and receive more information about the campaign may reach Anna Volkova by calling +7 (8412) 999-105 or +7-927-386-44-76.

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