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Traffic jammed by Penza “Moya Rodnya” store on Okruzhnaya street

10:21 | 06.01.2016 | Society


Penza, 6 January 2016. PenzaNews. The traffic through the Okruzhnaya street road in Penza adjacent to the store “Moya Rodnya” is experiencing a jam as local citizens are gathering to take part in the annual lottery on Wednesday, January 6.

Traffic jammed by Penza “Moya Rodnya” store on Okruzhnaya street

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The registration process began at 10.00 am, and many people began gathering by the store in advance. Many of them left their cars adjacent to the store building, while some parked them by the side of the road.

A traffic police dispatch is monitoring the road situation by the store “Moya Rodnya.” Currently, their participation in the situation remains passive.

The traffic on Okruzhnaya street promises to experience the biggest impasse after 12.00 – the beginning of the lottery proper, with its grand prize being a Kia Rio.

As PenzaNews agency reported earlier, the previous annual lotteries organized by “Moya Rodnya” also caused severe traffic jams on the adjacent roads.

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