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Mayor's office: No incidents happened during Theophany bathing in Penza

10:38 | 19.01.2017 | Society


Penza, 19 January 2017. PenzaNews. No incidents happened during mass Theophany bathing in Penza at night on Thursday, January 19. This was reported by the press service of the city administration.

Mayor's office: No incidents happened during Theophany bathing in Penza

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"During the inspection, the workers of the Penza department of civil defence and emergency situations registered nine unauthorized fonts made by residents. Workers of this department, of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and members of the public squad kept control at these fonts," the office said.

The press service added that it was not possible to exclude cases of drunk people swimming in icy water.

"Unfortunately, despite annual warnings, the number of those who tries to cheer themselves with alcohol is not decreasing. Under the influence of alcohol, some people even jumped into the hole with a running start, and it is fraught with serious consequences. Fortunately, no incidents happened on Theophany in 2017," the Penza administration emphasized.

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