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Polosin: The editor-in-chief should be responsible for misinformation

16:21 | 02.04.2017 | Society


Saint-Petersburg, 2 April 2017. PenzaNews. The issue of introducing personal administrative responsibility for editors-in-chief for spread of misinformation in mass media should be elaborated at the legislative level. Such initiative was introduced by the editor-in-chief of the Penza independent news agency PenzaNews Pavel Polosin at the ANF media forum "Truth and Justice" in Saint-Petersburg on Sunday, April 2.

Polosin: The editor-in-chief should be responsible for misinformation

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"Another suggestion is to introduce personal responsibility for editors-in-chief for the spread of unverified, inaccurate, and false information," he said during discussion of the issue of work standards in the modern Internet media.

At the same time, according to Pavel Polosin, by analogy with the Art. 57 of the law "On mass media", there should be stated cases when an editor-in-chief is not held liable for the spread of inaccurate information.

Commenting on the words of the speaker, the head of the Russian State Duma commission on information policy and communication Leonid Levin, who was a mediator of the discussion, noted the relevance of the topic raised.

As an example, he mentioned the necessity to fight with so-called "fake news", which is recognized in Russia as well as abroad.

As a follow-up to the discussion, Pavel Polosin drew attention to the fact that the systematic spread of false information by some Internet media, which pursue their sordid motives, undermines trust to the mass media as a whole, that is why one of the main tasks of the professional community is to restore this trust.

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