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Seven Penza projects to receive funding as result of contest conducted by Rosmolodezh

16:10 | 08.12.2017 | Society


Penza, 8 December 2017. PenzaNews. Seven representatives of the Penza region were among winners of the distant stage of the All-Russian contest of youth projects among natural persons the list of which was approved by the head of Rosmolodezh Alexander Bugaev.

Seven Penza projects to receive funding as result of contest conducted by Rosmolodezh

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Altogether, there are 834 names on the list.

Three projects of the Penza region were awarded in the category "Involvement of youth in social practices and informing about opportunities for development".

Karina Kirillova will receive a grant of 300,000 roubles for organization of the All-Russian school of personal growth and development of the student self-government "Progress". 150,000 roubles will be allocated for organization of the open regional patriotic Internet marathon "On the Way to Victory" organized by Marina Shindina. Saniyat Alimuradova, who submitted an application concerning the student project and educational centre of innovation management Innovation 2.0, was also among the winners and was awarded with a grant of 150,000 roubles.

Other two Penza applications won in the category "Career and self-government".

One of them – regarding the innovative-methodological support for the project "You are an entrepreneur" – was submitted by Yulia Gauf, who will receive 300,000 roubles. The other project provides for organization of vocational guidance teams "Development reactor" for school pupils of the Penza region. Alexander Lezhenikov will get 100,000 roubles for project implementation.

Galina Bannikova's application under the title "Time to remember" was awarded in the category "Support for volunteerism and voluntary initiatives". The project is devoted to the 75th anniversary of the fundamental change in the Great Patriotic War – to the battle of Stalingrad, the battle of the Kursk Bulge, and the battle for the Dnieper. 300,000 roubles will be allocated for implementation of the project.

Another grant of 300,000 roubles will be received by Yury Kvitka, whose project "Voice control device for home automation system (smart home) for people with disabilities" won in the category "Support for creative youth".

The size of the grant fund of the distant stage of the All-Russian contest of youth projects amounted to 164.2 million roubles this year.

Over 5,500 people from 85 regions submitted applications. 3,333 of them were admitted to the contest.

Each project was assessed by three federal experts in the automated information system "Youth of Russia" in an online mode. They took into account relevance, creativity, effectiveness, professionalism, targeting, practical application, as scale of use and publicity.

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