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Left Front gives alms to Tuzov dependent on his wife

20:59 | 23.01.2018 | Society


Penza, 23 January 2018. PenzaNews. Left Front provided charitable assistance to the ex-officer of the Federal Security Service, member of the public council under the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, founder of an Internet medium Alexander Tuzov, who had previously claimed that he lives at the expense of his wife.

Left Front gives alms to Tuzov dependent on his wife

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On Tuesday, January 23, the coordinator of the movement's regional department brought a bunch of sausages and a poster reading "Alms for the dependent Tuzov from Left Front" to the two-storey detached house at 9B Spartakovskaya street, where according to Roskomnadzor (The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media) editorial office of Alexander Tuzov's medium is located.

The reason for this was the statement of the pensioner that he is dependent on his spouse, who is a civil servant. Even earlier he had claimed that monthly he spent only 4,000 roubles on maintenance of himself and a minor child.

The food campaign became the second one in recent months. In November 2017, the activists placed the banner reading "Tuzov, your scribbles stink!" near the cottage in Akhuny and put a pig's head, which was almost immediately attacked by hungry dogs, to the gate.

Trying to avoid a similar situation, Victor Khomets put a bunch of sausages on the fence so that they did not become easy meat for stray animals.

Passers-by watched his actions with interest.

Also local people, whose way on that day ran along Spartakovskaya street, curiously read the inscription about the dependant Tuzov. However, the same as sausages it did not last on the fence more than half an hour.

A passing-by elderly woman tore away the poster, crumpled it and threw on the snow. Then she put the sausages in the bag without hesitation and left quickly.

Commenting PenzaNews the essence of the campaign the press secretary of the Left Front regional department reported that it was aimed at drawing public attention to Alexander Tuzov's activities, who according to him does not stop and continues to pour mud on different people including deceived construction investors.

"His scribbles we have been fighting against for a very long time continue. [...] We believe there is no place in journalism for such people," the interlocutor said.

In addition, according to him the ex-officer of the Federal Security Service should be ashamed to admit that he is dependent on his wife.

"Instead of working he writes libels on his website all day long, makes written requests to all enforcement agencies. [...] Because of idleness he is engaged in such useless staff instead of going to work and supporting the family," Sergei Padalkin noted.

He also wondered where the mass medium owner, who had closed the individual enterprise after a series of lost court trials, received money from to buy a quadrocopter.

"He constantly boasts of an expensive quadrocopter – he always shoots something. Where did he get the money? Was it his wife who gave it to him as he does not work? Another thing to ask – who gives him money for petrol? [...] It is also a big question. A lot of questions arise," the opposition activist summed up.

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