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Bust of explorer of Russian America Lavrenty Zagoskin installed in Penza

13:56 | 18.09.2018 | Society


Penza, 18 September 2018. PenzaNews. A bronze bust of naval officer, explorer of Alaska, the Aleutian Islands and Northern California Lavrenty Zagoskin was installed in the territory of the House of Folk Art in Penza.

Bust of explorer of Russian America Lavrenty Zagoskin installed in Penza

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It is expected that the ceremony of its official opening will take place in the near future.

Currently the bust is fenced with a signal band.

A plaque placed on the pedestal reads: "The monument to L.A. Zagoskin was installed in 2018 by the Penza regional branch of the all-Russian public organization Russian Geographical Society at the expense of a grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Foundation of Presidential Grants. Architecture company: Veshch! Sculptor: Ilya Porvatov".

Commenting on the bust installation, chairman of a regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society Igor Pantyushov noted that it had been a long-awaited event.

“We had worked on it for 7 long years and finally it happened. We will inform about the opening of the monument, which will take place soon, and invite everyone,” he wrote at his Facebook profile.

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