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Children's playground to be installed in centre of Kuznetsk by end of week

09:41 | 12.11.2019 | Society


Kuznetsk, 12 November 2019. PenzaNews. By the end of the week, specialists of the company Solnechnaya Dolina plan to complete the installation of a children's playground complex manufactured by KSIL company in the public garden between the administration of Kuznetsk of Penza region and the music college.

Children's playground to be installed in centre of Kuznetsk by end of week

Photo: Gorodkuzneck.ru

Its estimated cost is RUB 1.5 million.

Installation of the playground is provided for by the project for improvement of the central part of the town which is carried out with the use of funds of a federal grant, the press-service of the city hall of Kuznetsk informs.

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