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“Children’s sports” found who’s strongest in Zheleznodorozhny district of Penza

17:56 | 10.02.2015 | Sport


Penza, 10 February 2015. PenzaNews. Six teams took part in the amateur hockey finals held in the Zheleznodorozhny district of Penza on Tuesday, February 10, as part of the United Russia political party project “Children’s sports.”

“Children’s sports” found who’s strongest in Zheleznodorozhny district of Penza

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The matches took place on a new ice rink set up in the KPD neighborhood on Egorova Street, 20.

Young hockey players and fans were greeted by Natalia Ozerova, chairman of the sports and youth policy committee of Penza, who wished the participants passion for sports and desire to win.

According to the results of Zheleznodorozhny district games, the first place went to the school No. 48 team, that will be representing the district in the March city-wide session. The winner of the city championship will receive a challenge cup of the regional branch of United Russia.

The “KPD” team ended up second, and the third place was taken by the school No. 47.

The final games of the project were also held in Leninsky district of Penza. They will be held in Oktyabrsky and Pervomaysky districts by the end of February.

As PenzaNews agency reported earlier, 37 hockey grounds have been set up in Penza, and 13 of them have yard trainers. 

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