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Penza Zenit receives over 5.5 million roubles

16:37 | 28.09.2017 | Sport


Penza, 28 September 2017. PenzaNews. Over 5.5 million roubles were allocated to the Penza football club Zenit. Such decision was taken at the 37th regular session of the City Duma that was held on Thursday, September 28.

Penza Zenit receives over 5.5 million roubles

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"It was suggested that 5,773,000 roubles were allocated to the municipal independent organization 'Football club Zenit' for participation in official sports events," the head of the city financial department Olga Zavyalkina reported.

According to her, in 2017 about 12 million roubles had been laid in the budget for maintenance of the children's sports team and the stadium Zenit as well as for paying salary to administrative and management staff of the department.

"We did not spend any rouble from the regional budget for maintenance of the club itself. All the money we spent for the club support were donated by sponsors. With a glance to the recent situations which you are aware about, of course, it was decided that taking into account budgetary capacity with due account for the labour remuneration act valid at the level of Physical Culture and Sports Committee we would allocate the money so that the team managed to finish the season," Olga Zavyalkina specified.

She explained that the 5,733,000 roubles would be used for paying salary to football players, organization of eight trips to other cities, and covering the cost of petrol.

The City Duma deputy Alexei Shuvarin noted that incidents similar to the one that had occurred in Moscow on September 8, when the main players refused to go out on the field and organized a strike due to a delay in salary, should not be repeated.

"Or maybe it is better not to spend money on away matches if they refuse to go out on the field after they have arrived and money has been paid. The issue must be settled," he said.

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