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Case on Kuznetsk vice-mayor bribery for kiosk construction protection transferred to court

18:42 | 14.02.2016 | Crime


Penza, 14 February 2016. PenzaNews. The materials on the case against the company “Soyuz-RT” opened by the prosecutor of Kuznetsk in the Penza region under Part 1, Art. 19.28 of the Administrative Code, “Unlawful Remuneration on Behalf of a Legal Entity,” has been transferred to court for review on the merits.

Case on Kuznetsk vice-mayor bribery for kiosk construction protection transferred to court

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“It was established that on one of the days between August 10 and August 20 in 2015, the director of ‘Soyuz-RT,’ acting on behalf of the legal entity and with the aim for its benefit, offered between 20,000 and 30,000 rubles to the deputy chairman of the Kuznetsk administration, who at the same time was the chairman of the contest committee on kiosk installation rights. The money was to serve as a compensation for helping ‘Soyuz-RT’ win in two contests,” Yulia Makarova, Senior Assistant Attorney of the region in Media Relations, told PenzaNews agency.

The vice-mayor refused the offer of money, she noted.

“The federal law on corruption prevention allows to punish a legal entity according to the Russian legislation if any party acting on behalf and in the interest of the company resorts to corruption violations,” she explained.

As PenzaNews agency reported earlier, on 11 November 2015, the deputy head of the Kuznetsk city administration Alexei Dodonov was detained whilst taking a bribe, and faced a criminal case under paragraph C, Part. 5, Art. 290 of the Criminal Code, “Taking a Bribe.”

Soon after, the public learned that Alexei Dodonov was discharged from his office under Part 3, Art 77 of the Labor code on November 11 – the day of detention.

In a comment for PenzaNews agency, the mayor of Kuznetsk Sergei Zlatogorsky said his deputy showed negative tendencies before the incident. According to him, Alexei Dodonov was already in the process of being laid off before getting caught red-handed, due to serious allegations against him.

In December 2015, Alexei Dodonov faced another criminal case – this time under Part 1, Art. 169 of the Criminal Code, “Obstruction of Legal Business or Other Activity.”

On 1 February 2016, the criminal case against the former vice-mayor was transferred to the Kuznetsk area court.

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