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Terms of use of information, photos and videos from PenzaNews website

LLC “VolgaInterMedia,” founder of PenzaNews agency, mass media license №FS77-31297, issued on 29 February 2008, holds exclusive rights for text information, as well as photos, graphics and video published on the websites http://penzanews.ru/ and http://penzanews.ru/en/ containing the brand mark of the news agency.

The name PenzaNews is a legitimate trademark. License number №504858, issued by the Federal Intellectual Property Service on 24 January 2014.

Using materials of PenzaNews agency means distribution, redistribution, public broadcasting, live broadcasting, cable transmission, translation, copywriting and any other means of use under the Law of the Russian Federation.

PenzaNews welcomes use of its materials under certain conditions listed above. You must always include a link to the source of the information (for online resources, a URL link that is indexable by search engines). The lack of the aforementioned link (URL link) constitutes a breach of copyright.

Using text information: news, articles, comments, interviews

You may use text information produced by the copyright holder on a free-of-charge basis without requiring a written permission, if you include a link (URL link) to PenzaNews as the source of the information as shown below:

— in printed media: PenzaNews or PenzaNews agency;

— in TV and radio broadcasts: PenzaNews or PenzaNews agency;

— online: PenzaNews. The word “PenzaNews” (without quotes) must be an active URL link to the website http://penzanews.ru/en/ that is indexable by search engines and freely open to website users to visit our website.

Limitations on use of text information:

If you seek to use information distributed by PenzaNews that contains a link to other media sources or online resources, please contact the copyright holders of the quoted information directly.

You may not reproduce information by PenzaNews received from other sources without a link back to the original source of the information.

Use of photo and video materials

You may use photos, graphics and video materials published on the websites http://penzanews.ru/ and http://penzanews.ru/en/ containing the brandmark of the news agency on a free-of-charge basis without requiring a written permission, if you include a link (URL link) to PenzaNews as the source of the information as shown above, AND if you follow the rules below:

1. For photos and graphics:

— photos and graphics belonging to the copyright holder must be used “as is” – in maximum resolution (800 by 600 pixels) as available on the websites http://penzanews.ru/ and http://penzanews.ru/en/. You are allowed to downscale the photos, but not by a magnitude above 2.5 (not to the resolution below 320 by 240 pixels). You may not upscale the photos and graphics published on the website, as this will be considered a breach of copyright;

— you may not create any derivative works using the aforementioned photos and graphics, which includes use of only a part of a photo or a graphic; extreme upscaling or downscaling of full-size or cropped photos and graphics; as well as cropping, retouching or using any other means of editing aimed at removing the PenzaNews brandmark if a photo or a graphic contains one.

2. For videos:

— the same rules apply as those listed for photos and graphics, except the rule about using parts of objects, AND the rule about the maximum resolution, which can be as high as 1920 by 1080 pixels (Full HD);

— you may edit the sound track of a video file only after obtaining an agreement of the copyright holder;

— you may extract and use one or several frames from a video for your use only if you include a link (URL link) to PenzaNews agency as the source of the information as shown above.

Limitations on use of imagery:

You may not use the photos, graphics and videos published on the websites http://penzanews.ru/ and http://penzanews.ru/en/ containing the brandmark of the news agency for advertisement or any propaganda, political agitation, discrimination, contempt of religious feelings of believers, incitement of ethnic hatred, and for other uses that violate the legislation of the Russian Federation.

PenzaNews does not hold the exclusive rights on photos and graphics that are published on the websites http://penzanews.ru/ and http://penzanews.ru/en/ without the brandmark of the news agency. Please contact the original copyright holders of such materials if you wish to use them.

PenzaNews does not hold the exclusive rights on videos that are published on the websites http://penzanews.ru/ and http://penzanews.ru/en/ with the brandmark of the news agency that contain a link to the original source of the content, or on videos that are published on the website without the news agency brandmark. Please contact the copyright holders of such materials of you wish to use them.

How to buy a photo or video from the PenzaNews website?

Dear visitors of the PenzaNews website! If you took interest in any photos or videos published by us, you may opt to buy them in high-definition quality and obtain the usage rights from the PenzaNews agency.

For any questions related to purchasing and using the photos, graphics and videos by PenzaNews that are available on our website, or obtaining the original copies of these materials, please call us by: +7 (8412) 999-103.

The extensive PenzaNews photo archive that has been collected since 2007 is a unique timeline of Penza history. We may offer you one-of-a-kind images that depict the most recent pages of history of the Penza region.

PenzaNews may change the listed terms of use of information, photos and videos from PenzaNews website without any proper warning. The new edition of the rules enters into force once published on this webpage.

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