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Rashid Khairov urges to pay attention to issue of biosecurity in Penza region

16:36 | 28.02.2018 | Agriculture


Penza, 28 February 2018. PenzaNews. The authorities of the Penza region should pay close attention to the issue of biosecurity since the stability of such factors as the stability of an agricultural sector, national and international trade in agricultural products as well as the overall economy of the region depends on this. Such an opinion was expressed by the general director of Damate Group Rashid Khairov.

Rashid Khairov urges to pay attention to issue of biosecurity in Penza region

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"The list of diseases [that are dangerous for the industry] includes avian influenza, Newcastle disease, murrain, African and classical swine fever, brucellosis, salmonellosis and others," he said during the meeting of the Association of Agricultural Producers of the Penza region held in the format of a business breakfast in the M.Y. Lermontov library on Wednesday, February 28.

Rashid Khairov expressed regret for the fact that all these diseases are registered in the territory of Russia: in particular, in 2017 there were outbreaks of a highly pathogenic avian influenza registered in nine regions, therefore over 2 million poultry stock had to be destroyed in 36 problem areas.

"Export damage equals billions of roubles which was also caused by the prohibition to export poultry products to EU and some Asian countries. The tension caused by avian influenza is growing every year both globally and regionally due to a seasonal migration of birds. In this regard the Russian Institute for Animal Protection predicts from 4 to 16 outbreaks of the disease in the territory of the Russian Federation," the founder of Damate Group noted.

Rashid Khairov also added that since 2007 1,300 cases of African swine fever outbreaks had been registered including in the Penza region. The latest case was registered in the Kaliningrad region that month.

"The Penza region is located in the area free of murrain without vaccination. The status was recognized by the International Epizootic Bureau. This provides the right of exporting goods produced in the territory of the region even though the status can be lost for all regions of the Russian Federation if an outbreak of murrain is registered at least in one of them. In addition, the Penza region borders a buffer zone where vaccination is given. This month an outbreak of murrain has already been registered in this area. Just imagine – the damage caused by murrain in the countries of the European Union since 2001 is estimated at 90 billion Euro," he said.

The general director of Damate Group explained that within the strategy aimed at the prevention of the diseases in the region suggested by the company it is necessary to brisk up the training of specialists in the sphere as well as informing the population on especially dangerous diseases of animals and birds.

According to Rashid Khairov, the very first event should be the seminar, which is planned to be held in March with the participation of the leading experts of the Russian Institute for Animal Protection.

"The development of a regional programme for prevention and elimination of diseases is required. [...] To ensure the security and stability of cattle-breeding and poultry enterprises of the Penza region it is necessary to organize the accounting of the total number of animals and birds in all settlements located within the areas prescribed by the regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia when particularly dangerous diseases break out. These are five-, ten-, twenty-kilometre-wide zones, God forbid, around an outbreak point," he said.

Rashid Khairov added that it is also necessary to ensure the readiness of the Preventive Veterinary Service to conduct preventive measures in case of the outbreak of dangerous diseases.

"It is essential to discuss the possibility of seasonal or permanent depopulation of the livestock of susceptible animals and birds in the mentioned settlements with recovery of damages," the general director of Damate Group emphasized.

Otherwise, according to him, the existing threats might cancel all efforts of the farmers who supply products to other regions of Russia and abroad.

As it was noted by the chairman of the Association of Agricultural Producers of the Penza region, member of State Duma of Russia from United Russia faction Ivan Firyulin, who was the moderator of the event, Rashid Khairov's suggestion deserves attention as it affects interests of a large number of livestock and processing enterprises.

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