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Penza actors Yulia Koshkina and Vladimir Karpov became parents for the second time

11:35 | 08.08.2015 | Culture


Penza, 8 August 2015. PenzaNews. Actors of the Penza Lunacharsky Regional Drama Theater Yulia Koshkina and Vladimir Karpov became parents for the second time.

“Now their first child, a seven-year-old Nikita, has a little brother Anton. Both the baby and the mother are doing well,” states the message on the official website of the drama theater posted on Saturday, August 8.

It also says that the staff of the institution congratulates the family and wishes the mother a speedy return to the stage, and the father — all the success in the upcoming producing work.

“In the coming season, Vladimir Karpov should start producing a performance for family viewing “Treasure Island” by the famous adventure novel by Robert Louis Stevenson,” the message states.

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