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“Open World of Libraries” Penza region festival starts on February 4

12:01 | 29.01.2016 | Culture


Penza, 29 January 2016. PenzaNews. The 9th book festival “Open World of Libraries” dedicated to Russian culture and literary values will begin at the Lermontov Penza regional library on Thursday, February 4.

“Open World of Libraries” Penza region festival starts on February 4

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A part of the event’s agenda is dedicated to the Year of Russian Cinema.

The library will feature an installation that seeks to get visitors acquainted with the legacy of their prominent compatriots who left their mark in the history of Russian and world cinema, such as Ivan Mozzhukhin, Vsevolod Pudovkin and Alexander Medvedkin.

The opening ceremony of the festival will be visited by a delegation from the Solzhenitsyn House of the Russian Abroad, including emigration historian Igor Domnin, deputy director of the institution; and filmmaker Sergei Zaytsev, director and artistic chief of the film studio “Russky Put,” associate member of the Russian National Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences, “Golden Eagle” award winner.

The guests from Moscow will present projects about the contribution of Russian people to the international cultural domain, the works of prominent Russian emigrants, and about the foundation and activities of the Solzhenitsyn House of the Russian Abroad.

Moreover, Larisa Rasskazova, Cand. Cult. St., chief custodian of the Union of State Literary and Memorial Museums of the Penza region, will give an open lecture during the festival, titled “Roman Gul: From Penza Estate to New York.”

All events of the festival are admission free, says the press service of the Penza region Department of Culture and Archive.

The book festival “Open World of Libraries” is held in the Penza region since 2006.

It opens in Penza every February, followed by events in regional areas in March and April, and closes in May.

This year, the festival events will take place in Lopatino, Zemetchino, Tamala and Issa. All events will seek to support the interest to Russian traditional culture and literature and engage citizens of the region in reading.

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