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Library experts from 12 Russian regions to assemble in Penza

10:24 | 27.06.2016 | Culture


Penza, 27 June 2016. PenzaNews. Library experts from 12 Russian regions will take part in the annual roundtable event in Penza on July 1-2.

Library experts from 12 Russian regions to assemble in Penza

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The event, titled “Methodical Service of Regional Libraries in Modern Times,” will be dedicated to discussing relevant issues of the field.

The roundtable discussion hosted by the Lermontov Penza regional library will be presided by Sergei Basov, Cand. Ped. Sc., head of the librarian science method department in the Russian National Library, vice-president of the St. Petersburg Librarian Society.

The event will feature both spoken and written reports.

Moreover, another feature of the conference will be a live video comm with St. Petersburg, Bryansk and Tambov.

Also, Elena Mikhaylenko, assistant director of the Chelyabinsk regional universal scientific library, will invite Penza librarians to a workshop titled “Wishes and Capabilities of Methodical Service.”

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