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Sberbank interest rates of rubles and foreign currency deposits grows

13:54 | 19.01.2012 | Economy


Penza, 19 January 2012. PenzaNews. Sberbank raised interest rates of fixed-term deposits for private clients in rubles of the Russian Federation and foreign currency and savings certificates and bills for private clients.

“Maximum annual interest rate will be 1.15% and maximum annual interest rate is 9.45 % for 3 million rubles deposits for 3 years term. It is 1.45% more than “Save” deposit with similar conditions”, Yury Egorov, the head of Penza branch of Volga region bank of Sberbank Russia informed.

He specified that rubles deposits “Save”, “Add”, “Manage”, “Gift of life” and “Multicurrency” will have maximum annual interest rate will be 1%.

“US dollars « “Save”, “Add”, “Manage”, “Multicurrency” deposits for 6 months term will have annual interest rate 0.5% maximum,” he said.

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