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Russian-German frame houses manufacturing to be organized in Penza

16:53 | 09.02.2012 | Economy


Penza, 9 February 2012. PenzaNews. Representatives of investment block of the Government of the Penza region had negotiations with German companies “FHP Freiwalde mbH” and “TRIMEX GmbH” about organizing enterprise for frame prefabrication houses manufacturing in the region.

The Russian side has informed partners on possibility of realization of the habitation executed on technology of frame housing construction, within the limits of target programs and also in a market segment.

“German companies are interested in this and suggested to bring available equipment in the joint venture capital. Project cost is 47.4 million roubles, terms of realization — 2012,” Corporation of development of the Penza region said.

The parties agreed about study of the marketing, financial both technological parties of the project and business plan preparation.

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