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“Megafon” took more than two thirds of Penza mobile telecommunications market

14:14 | 02.03.2012 | Economy


Penza, 2 March 2012. PenzaNews. The meeting with journalists took place at head office of OJSC “Megafon” in Moscow on Thursday, March 1. Regional mass-media could take part in the meeting by means of video multiport conference. The company became the first of three largest communications service providers in Russia which presented its public report on financial indicators and results of work in 2011.

“Megafon” took more than two thirds of Penza mobile telecommunications market

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As it was noted during press conference, the number of subscribers of “Megafon” in Russia totalled 62.8 million persons by the end of 2011 reached that is 9.6 % more than year before. The pure gain of user’s base made more than 5 million clients. The consolidated gain increased by 12.6 % in comparison with 2010 and totaled 242 608 million rubles and the net profit in 2011 was 43 579 million rubles.

“It is essentially important that in 2011 “Megafon” without aspiring to leadership in total connections and having refused from so-called “races for subscribers” at any cost has provided high level “pure” a gain of user’s base at the expense of quality of connections and development of own retail network. Our long-term strategy consists in maintenance of the best service, the offer of the most interesting services and products, in honesty and openness. Trust of clients and the best service is leadership pledge “Megafon” on Russian market,” informed CEO of OJSC “Megafon” Sergey Soldatenkov.

Major factor of growth of incomes of the company remains mobile Internet following the results of 2011 the total receipts of “Megafon” from mobile data transmission have grown by 50 % and totaled 29 947 million rubles.

The head of Penza branch of the company Alexey Bryuhachev informed journalists during a regional part of press conference that following the results of 2011 company “Megafon” took more than two third of mobile data transmission in the Penza region.

“More than 217.5 thousand subscribers used mobile Internet of our company in December that is 30 % more than in January, 2011. The total Internet traffic exceeded 2 100 Tb that is 3.2 times more than the total traffic of 2010,” said Alexey Bryuhachev.

Quantity of base stations by 25% was named one of major factors promoting strengthening of positions of “Megaphone” in the Penza region by the head of branch.

“Now “Megafon” is the biggest network including over 700 base stations of the second and third generations and also 720 km of fiber-optical communication lines in the region. I can’t but admit that more than 47 % of basic stations installed outside of big cities that is important due to total absence of wire communication and the Internet in small settlements,” Alexey Bryuhachev informed.

Now the retail network of “Megafon” in the Penza region includes 50 service offices and about 250 dealer points. Also company services can use almost in 300 branches “Mail of Russia.”

Speaking about average account of Volga region subscriber in a month (ARPU), Alexey Bryuhachev informed that in 2011 it totaled 229 roubles. On average the subscriber consumes monthly 276 minutes vocal and 251 Mb of Internet traffic and also uses additional services.

“Now “Megafon” has more than 50 % of market of mobile subscribers of the Penza region and the user’s base totals more than 780 thousand SIM-cards,” summarized Alexey Bryuhachev.

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