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500 million rubles for villages development in 2012

16:26 | 29.03.2012 | Economy


Penza, 29 March 2012. PenzaNews. 500 million rubles will be spent for the development of rural settlements of the Penza region in 2012. Governor Vasily Bochkarev reported about it during the meeting of council of the Volga federal district in Nizhny Novgorod on Thursday, March 29.

"28 villages which have a future are chosen for the pilot project. There are 863 settlements in the region totally. Means will be spent for beautification of the territory and new workplaces creation," Vasily Bochkarev specified.

The governor noted that they decided to support cooperatives and country farms for rural settlements development.

"I have an offer on a subject of recovery of agriculture, such as grants support of cooperatives of the second level from the federal budget. The first level is production, the second is processing, storage, logistics and packing," the head of the region explained, having added thus that he offered to impose the veto on bankruptcy of agricultural enterprises for a period of 5 years in the federal government.

The plenipotentiary of the president of Russia in Volga Federal District Mikhail Babich supported Vasily Bochkarev's idea about imposing veto on bankruptcy, but emphasized that it is necessary to divide diligent and unfair farms, reports “Interfax-Volga.”

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