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Bekovsky sugar factory to be modernized in Penza region

14:26 | 25.07.2013 | Economy


Penza, 25 July 2013. PenzaNews. Bekovsky sugar factory in the Penza region will be modernized to increase the production capacity by almost three times by 2015. This was announced by the president of the “Kontinent” group of companies Boris Kulagin to governor Vasily Bochkarev during a working visit of the head of the region to the Bekovski area.

According to Boris Kulagin, at present, the plant processes three times more primary product than in Soviet times thanks to the modernization and replacement of old equipment, and within two years it will produce as much sugar as did all the sugar factories in the region in the 80-s of the last century.

According to the local newspaper “Bekovsky Vestnik,” the reconstruction of the factory and its new equipment, including that from Germany, will allow the producers to reach the target — 8 thousand tons per day.

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