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Penza cluster representatives undergo training to get max from trade shows

12:09 | 02.03.2016 | Economy


Penza, 2 March 2016. PenzaNews. Heads and sales representatives of Penza region cluster enterprises are taking part in the seminar training “Taking Part In Trade Show With Maximum Effect” that started in the innovative business incubator in the morning of Wednesday, March 2.

Penza cluster representatives undergo training to get max from trade shows

Photo: Clustercenter.ru

The event, which was organized with the support from the Center of Cluster Development, brought together representatives of instrumentation and biomedical cluster, as well as the soon-to-be-created clothing and footwear cluster.

The audience of the seminar training will study different strategies of collecting contact details and conducting talks in the midst of a trade show, as well as effective methods of retaining potential partners after the trade show.

According to Mikhail Lyashkov, general director for the Center of Cluster Development, they are holding frequent training sessions of that kind for the cluster enterprises.

“In January, we invited a business coach to teach the confectionary cluster staff before ISM 2016 in Germany and Prodexpo-2016 in Moscow. Based on references from people and organizations that took part in those trade shows, the education course armed them with useful knowledge and hands-on skills. As a result, we gained several dozens of new business contacts, signed shipment contracts with foreign and Russian trade networks and distributors,” he stressed.

The most recent training session, which is held by a headline promotion and sales expert from Russia, will help staff of cluster enterprises to ensure their success in trade shows, Mikhail Lyashkov added.

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