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Penza “Biomed” cluster enterprises take part in Russian countrywide conference

15:40 | 29.06.2016 | Economy


Penza, 29 June 2016. PenzaNews. Representatives of the Penza research and production cluster “Biomed” are taking part in the countrywide research and practice conference “Classics and Innovations in Traumatic Surgery and Orthopedy,” dedicated to 75th anniversary of professor A.P. Barabash. It launched in Saratov on Wednesday, June 29.

Penza “Biomed” cluster enterprises take part in Russian countrywide conference

Photo: Center of Cluster Development

The two-day even is hosted by the Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Traumatic Surgery and Orthopedy for the Russian Ministry of Health.

During the conference, experts from all over Russia will discuss the modern R&D in trauma recovery, implant use in traumatic surgery and orthopedy and treatment of pains, as well as innovative treatments.

Reportedly, the traumatic surgeon of the Zakharyin Penza clinical hospital No. 6 Alexei Salaev will give a report on practical use of modern medical devices in traumatic surgery and orthopedy.

Moreover, the conference hosts an expo, where “Biomed” cluster enterprises are showcasing their N&D at a unified display.

Photo: Center of Cluster Development

In particular, “Endocarbon” and “Osteofix” are presenting their endoprosthetics for hip, knee, elbow and shoulder joints, a dynamic endoprosthetic and cage for intervertebral disk, intramedullar device for thigh bone osteosynthesis. endoprosthetics for coxal cavity roof, a spine surgical correction and fixation device, and a transosseous fixation device.

Another cluster company, a biological additives producer “Parafarm,” is presenting its innovative drone brood based calcium complexes.

Reportedly, the participation of the companies in the expo thanks to assistance from the Center of Cluster Development will allow them to reinforce current business contacts and find new clients in the medical community that seek new medical devices and healthcare products for cutting-edge treatment.

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