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60-year-old bum condemned who killed acquaintance because of home-distilled vodka in Penza

17:06 | 13.01.2012 | Incidents


Penza, 13 January 2012. PenzaNews. Pervomayasky district court of Penza condemned 60-year-old bum (Russian acronym for homeless) for offence under part 4 para 111 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation “Deliberate causing of heavy harm to the health, entailed on imprudence death of the victim”.

“During judicial session the accused informed that when his imprisonment term completed he began to live in the house of night stay where he got acquainted with other homeless persons”, informed court press-service.

The repress-service of the court informed: “On September, 19, having drunk, the accused went to bed and when he woke up he saw that somebody had drunk his home-distilled vodka without permission. He became angry, shouted and took a wooden whetstone and bit the head of the victim who had drunk his beverage”.

According to the defendant, he got to know about the death of his acquaintance only in some days.

The press-service said: “The court appointed 8 years of imprisonment with punishment serving in a corrective colony. The sentence has entered validity”.

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