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Oil products leakage in Tamalinsky area

14:21 | 28.02.2012 | Incidents


Penza, 28 February 2012. PenzaNews. Oil products (vacuum gasoil) leakage happened in Tamalinsky area of the Penza region.

According to the head of administration of the area Sergey Morgunov, this substance concerns the lowest class of danger.

“Two hours ago I was on the site. Employees of JSC “Russian Railways” are working there. Now they remove snow with spread substance, then they will take it away,” Sergey Morgunov explained.

He noticed that there is no threat for people’s life and health.

As it was reported earlier, on Tuesday, February 28 there was information in the Internet that as a result of railway failure in Tamalinsky area toxic chemicals flowed out of the tank in the western direction.

Press-service of The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters for the Penza region denied the given information.

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