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Thieves of 15 icons from Ershovo village temple wanted in Penza region

15:23 | 17.05.2012 | Incidents


Penza, 17 May 2012. PenzaNews. Criminal investigation into the theft of 15 icons from the temple of Life-giving Trinity of Ershovo village was initiated in the Penza region.

Thieves of 15 icons from Ershovo village temple wanted in Penza region

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“The theft was committed from May 10 to May 12, 2012, presumably at night. Malefactors got into the room, having broken an entrance door of the temple and took out 15 icons one of which “Pardoning” was there from the moment the church was founded in 1811 and was a symbol of the village,” — reported the press service of Office of Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Penza region.

According to the press-service, the criminals have also stolen 8 gold jewelries which believers had presented to an ancient icon and money from the charity box.

“The amount of damage is being determined,” informed in the press service.

The criminal case was initiated under item “b” part 2 art. 158 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation “Theft of antiques.”

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