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36 scooters stolen in 4 months in Penza region

08:44 | 25.07.2012 | Incidents


Penza, 25 July 2012. PenzaNews. There have been 36 reported thefts of scooters in the Penza region for the past 4 months.

As the press service of the Office of Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Penza region told news agency “PenzaNews,” in almost all the cases, the attackers took advantage of carelessness of the owners of vehicles who left their scooters unattended in yards and other unwatched areas.

“All in all, 119 facts of illegal appropriation of vehicles have been recorded for the first six months of 2012 in the region including 77 highjackings and 42 thefts. Often thieves steal old cars standing in yards for several years. Rear-wheel drive Lada (from VAZ-2101 to VAZ-2107) takes first place in the ranking of car thefts,” said the press service.

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