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Russian Communication Supervision Service found violations of “VimpelCom”

10:38 | 15.02.2013 | Incidents


Penza, 15 February 2013. PenzaNews. The department of Russian Communication Supervision Service in the Penza region found in the activities of the local branch of JSC “VimpelCom” violated the federal law “On Communications.”

“In particular, it was established that certain radio spectrum was used without permission. In addition, electronic means were operated without registration,” the press service of the department reported to news agency “PenzaNews.”

The department specified that based on the results of the inspection cases on administrative offenses were filed in respect of the legal entity JSC “VimpelCom” and an officer of the Penza branch.

“They were found guilty of an administrative offense under Part 2, Art. 13.4 of the Administrative Code “Violation of the rules of design, construction, installation, registration or use of electronic means and (or) high frequency devices.” They were fined a total of 8,800 rubles,” the department of Russian Communication Supervision Service in the Penza region concluded.

JSC “VimpelCom” is a part of “VimpelCom Ltd.” group, which is one of the world’s largest integrated telecom operators.

The group companies provide services under the brands such as Beeline, Kyivstar, Wind and others.

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