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Mayor’s Office of Serdobsk deemed violating antimonopoly legislation

15:54 | 15.11.2013 | Incidents


Penza, 15 November 2013. PenzaNews. The administration of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia in the Penza region recognized the city administration of Serdobsk twice breaching the requirements of Part 1, Art. 15 of the Federal law “Protection of Competition.”

“Violations lie in failure to conduct obligatory open competitions in due time to select a management organization for the two newly-built apartment buildings No. 2B in Energetiki Street and No. 226G in Lenin Street,” the press agent of the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia told news agency PenzaNews.

She explained that the cases would be initiated under Part 1 Art. 14.9 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation “Limiting Competition by Authorities, Local Self-government Bodies.”

“The article envisages a fine in the amount of 15–30 thousand rubles on officials,” the agency interlocutor added.

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