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Penza region resident received 36 penalties for 180 thousand rubles after three days in Moscow

10:11 | 02.09.2014 | Incidents


Penza, 2 September 2014. PenzaNews. A driver from Sursk, the Penza region, was fined for a total amount of 180 thousand rubles for 36 violations registered by traffic cameras in Moscow within a three-day visit. Each fine amounted to 5 thousand rubles. As Yana Zagrebelnaya, official representative of the Federal Service of Court Bailiffs of the Penza region, told news agency “PenzaNews,” the man refused to pay the penalties.

Penza region resident received 36 penalties for 180 thousand rubles after three days in Moscow

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“All 36 executive documents for coercive debt collection arrived in Gorodischensky department of bailiffs. Specialists acted accordingly, as a result of which the violator paid 47 thousand rubles in cash, and the property for the amount of three thousand ruble, according to preliminary estimates, was seized,” the agency interlocutor said.

She explained that the debtor also received a written request to pay the remaining amount of the debt.

“If he fails to do so, the bailiff will be entitled to apply file the protocol according to Art. 17.14 of the Administrative Code ‘Violation of legislation on enforcement proceedings,’ which would entail additional expenses in the amount of one thousand rubles,” representative of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in Penza region noted.

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